Monday, June 12, 2006

New report says "Breast-Feed or your child may die!"

NEW YORK TIMES - Warning: Public health officials have determined that not breast-feeding may be hazardous to your baby's health.

Dr. Haynes, of the Health and Human Services Department, said, "Our message is that breast milk is the gold standard, and anything less than that is inferior. In fact, if you do not feed your child breast milk it is very likely they will die. It's as bad as smoking or playing international level Rugby Sevens during pregnancy. Except worse."

A two-year national breast-feeding awareness campaign that culminated this spring ran television announcements showing a pregnant woman clutching her belly as she was thrown off a mechanical bull during ladies' night at a bar — and compared the behavior to failing to breast-feed.
"You wouldn't take risks before your baby's born," the advertisement says. "Why start after?"
Child-rearing experts have long pointed to the benefits of breast-feeding.
But critics say the new campaign has taken things too far and will make mothers who cannot breast-feed, or choose not to, feel guilty and inadequate.

"I desperately wanted to breast-feed," said Karen Petrone, an associate professor of history at University of Kentucky in Lexington. When her two babies failed to gain weight and her pediatrician insisted that she supplement her breast milk with formula, Ms. Petrone said, "I felt so guilty."

Dr. Haynes said the Health and Human Services Department are very sympathetic to the problems of women in this situation.
"Obviously it is very hard on women who realise that because of some physical and mental problem in themselves they are not going to be able to breastfeed their child. Knowing they will indirectly kill the only thing that will continue their family line is an issue they must learn to deal with before their kind is bred out through natural selection."

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