Saturday, June 10, 2006

Right Said Fred to open World Cup - no, seriously

BERLIN TIMES - The Germans have booked Right Said Fred to open the World Cup tonight.

That is not a misprint. The artists behind I'm Too Sexy, Deeply Dippy and thirty other remixes of those two songs will be performing to a packed audience of soccer fans at the newly built Munich stadium at Fröttmaningin.

A further shock is that David Hasslehoff is not appearing in the concert.

Rumour has it that David Hasslehoff was informed of the decision to hire Right Said Fred in his place while he was in the audience of the American Idol finale. Hence the tears (refer to our earlier article from May 29th or Defamer)

Now it all makes sense. Don't shed a tear David. It's not worth it. There won't be that many Germans in the audience anyway because the English have probably bought all the tickets.

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