Monday, January 14, 2008

Osama Bin Laden nearly captured thanks to Google Earth

NEW YORK TIMES - After close to five years of searching since the September 11 2001 bombings, U.S. Intelligence forces nearly capture Osama Bin Laden (pictured - just in case you don't know what he looks like).

The tip off came from Jason Swinburne Jnr of South Carolina who spotted him while doing a search for a location using Google Earth.
"I was trying to locate the part of the map of the globe that has the Maxim cover the size of a football field. Eva Longoria is so hot."
As Jason zoomed in, he found a man with a beard wearing a turban with two hands in the air holding model aeroplanes.
"It looked like he was pretending to fly the aeroplanes into each other. That's when I knew it had to be Osama Bin Laden. That's just how I imagined him."
Jason immediately contacted US authorities who promptly came and told him to shut up and not mention the sighting ever again. Since then, Osama Bin Laden has disappeared.
"I don't understand why I'm being persecuted," said Jason through his legal representatives, "what reason would out government have for not finding Osama Bin Laden. If they had got him when I said so, he would be locked up and Al-Qaeda would no longer be a threat to America. We could rest easy. We could leave Iraq. We could make friends with muslims. I just don't get it."

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