Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Peanuts" fans riot over omission of cartoon images

NEW YORK TIMES - Fans of the comic strip "Peanuts" took to the streets around the world today in retaliation for the non-publication of images of their idol and prophet Charlie Brown.

"We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore," screamed one barely lucid fan of the long-running comic strip, "newspapers are printing cartoon versions of Mohammad but what the hell has happened to 'Peanuts'?"

The riots were triggered when the Danish newspapaer Jyllands-Posten decided to stop printing the comic strip in it's "Weekend Funnies" section after fifty years of inclusion in the paper.
"It's making a mockery of Charles Schwartz and his philosophy. Okay, so he may be dead and he isn't creating any new comic strips, but that hasn't stopped papers reprinting bits out of the Bible or the Koran and the guys that wrote those moralising books of crap died thousands of years ago."

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